Monday, March 10, 2014

Turtles? Porcupines? Hedgehogs?

What do you think?

Battle of the Sniffles

So, early on I wrote about how much I value these breakfasts as a tool to keep the little guy's immune system in tip top shape. Well, they saw us through to the beginning of March when all three of us were hit with a "winter cold." You know: sore throat, coughing, runny nose, no fun. You could almost see the germs hopping from one person to another. 

I was out of work for three days and certain things fell to the bottom of the priority list... like making cute pictures with food.

But we're back and I have a couple of updates to share. Like these fun pinwheel flowers and strawberry bunnies!

I've been trying to find fun things to do with strawberries, because they are so yummy! Ideas?